We Connect People Who Help People!

A lady holding a stick.

At Global LINK, we know you want to change lives and make a difference. In order to do that, you need an easier way to serve others in need.

Chances are, you are on this website because you want to serve others, but you are faced with logistical challenges that have made your attempts frustratingly difficult. Like you, we believe that’s just wrong. It should not be hard to help others!

Having been in your shoes for over 25 years, however, we understand that every service project/experience is unique and comes with its own inherent challenges. The places you go, the people you serve alongside, and the service platforms themselves all have unique nuances that require specialized skills in both implementation and planning.

Global LINK Values…



If you are trying to meet the needs of someone and YOU need help, we will do all we can to assist you. People are the central focus of what we do and why we do it.

An Individualized Approach

An Individualized Approach

Our specialty is identifying and resolving the logistical challenges that are keeping people from helping others. Because of our ever-growing list of partners, we are able to work with each team and site to resolve the particular challenges they face.

Colorful GlobalLINK logo icon
Meeting Needs

Meeting Needs

Though the details will be different for everyone, our job is to remove the logistical challenges so you can meet the needs of those you are called to help.

The World

The World

The “area” we serve is in our name; it’s global. Such a focus requires powerful tools and partnerships around the world. Click Go Serve and complete the Project Planner Form or Host Teams and complete the Host Site Planner Form and a Global LINK guide will be in touch to review your project and develop a plan.

Solving Problems

Every project has logistical challenges. Our goal is to help you solve those challenges and enable you to help.

We don’t claim to be experts at resolving every logistical challenge ourselves. Our expertise is knowing which of our partners is best suited to resolve your logistical challenge and connecting you to them. But don't worry; we won't leave you alone. We will walk with you from start to finish.

Our network of partners are leaders in their fields and look forward to being of service to you. It is the cooperative effort of so many that allows Global LINK to specialize in connecting organizations and individuals who meet the needs of others.

What Project Leaders Are Saying

As we started making plans to meet needs in Puerto Rico, we found that we had several logistical challenges: we needed airfare arranged, training for our team, travel insurance, transportation in Puerto Rico, lodging confirmed, meals to be arranged, and we needed to make sure that projects were lined up for our team. All of these challenges seemed to be amplified given the fact that there wasn’t much time between when the trip was planned and when we actually left. We were overwhelmed with all that needed to be accomplished.

Global LINK worked with the host site in Puerto Rico and the Global LINK partners. They were able to address and alleviate all of our logistical challenges. Because our logistical challenges were being taken care of by Global LINK, our team was able to focus on their personal preparation for the trip. We went from being overwhelmed by the logistics to being worry-free because Global LINK guided us every step of the way. The overwhelming feeling of worry was exchanged for a wonderful experience of serving.

Because of Global LINK, we were able to help those we felt called to go and help. Because of Global LINK, and as always seems to be the case, our team agreed that we got more out of the trip than the folks in Puerto Rico we went to help.

Darren Wigington
Townsend, TN
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As the director of a network of 40 congregations, we plan many trips each year to share the good news everyone needs to hear. Since the pandemic, planning these trips has become more challenging and frustrating. Thankfully, we discovered Global LINK.

Global LINK connected us with a professional travel partner of theirs. This partner specializes in this type of team trip and is very familiar with the unique needs that come with teams such as ours. We have used Global LINK and their partner twice; they arranged our flights to El Salvador and South Dakota. Arranging travel was made so much easier with Global LINK. We will definitely utilize their services again!

Philip Price, Ph.D.
Jackson County Mississippi
Executive Director/AMS
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Who doesn't need Global LINK?

Two types of people do not need Global LINK.

Start Planning NOW!

It's never too early to start planning.


How will you get your team to where they need to be?

You Are Called to Go Meet Needs.

We will help your team meet the needs of those you are called to help.

Go Serve

Your Site Needs Help to Meet Needs.

We will identify vetted teams of people to serve with you.

Host Teams